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Results of your search

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[previous] Results 21 to 40 of 55 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Fair street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Bolton street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Potato market square Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Green lanes Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Rope walk Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Patrick street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Shop street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Custom-house quay Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Mayoralty street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
North quay Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Bessexwell lane Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Bachelor's lane Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Dyer street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
New quay Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Wellington quay Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
St laurence street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Palace street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Palace row Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
King street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore
Peter street Meath Drogheda, county of the town of St peter Moneymore

[previous] Results 21 to 40 of 55 [next]