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Seamair Óg/Seamróg
Latin name: Trifolium repens

Did you know that there is no such plant as a shamrock?!

The wildflower that is called a shamrock in Ireland is a white clover. The name comes from the Irish word 'seamair óg'. This means 'young clover'.

The shamrock grows in grasslands and road verges. If you pick it, it will dry out very quickly.

In May, very soft looking, creamy-white flowers grow. They have a light sweet scent. Insects love it!

The white flowers turn brown over time. They will usually die by October.

The leaves of the shamrock have three or four leaflets.

The shamrock and Ireland

Do you know the story of St. Patrick and the shamrock?

St. Patrick used the shamrock to help explain the idea of the Holy Trinity. This is the Christian belief that there are three persons in one God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as the shamrock leaf is three things in one, so too is God.

St. Patrick is Ireland’s national saint. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17th of March each year.

The shamrock is believed to bring good luck. It was used as a charm against evil spirits long ago.