Map Grids

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Grids are used on maps to help us find things quickly and accurately. When a map has a grid you can use co-ordinates to describe where exactly places are. Letters and numbers can be used. Remember to read along the horizontal line first when you are finding places.

Co-ordinates are a simple way of finding somewhere on a map. Every place on a map has co-ordinates. Every map is divided into squares and each square has a name. The name of each square is its co-ordinates.

For example: the top left square on the map above is called A5.

G1 and E5 are the names or co-ordinates of other squares.

Look in B4 and you will find the Amenities Centre. If you found it you are ready to do the challenge!

Grid Map Challenge!

Your mission is to look at the map and choose the correct coordinates of the various places you are given.

Click on the Grid Map icon and then write the coordinates into the boxes provided below.

Good Luck!

Grid Map Challenge!
