Story of two schools

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Two schools in Skreen and Doonflin

Sligo District map showing Skreen and Doonflin

Doonflinn School

Doonflinn School is located in Doonflin Upper in the Skreen and Dromard District. The school was a gift to the parish from Peter O'Connor of Sligo.
In 1868, Doonflinn had 63 pupils, nine of whom were Church of Ireland. The school closed in 1969 and the pupils went to HighPark School.

Skreen Church of Ireland School

The school was established in 1855. In 1868, it had 74 pupils, one of whom was Roman Catholic. In 1877, it was accepted into the National School System.

In 1972, the school closed.

Memories of a school

Read the following extract of some memories of Skreen Church of Ireland School as described by a past pupil:

The school room was plain and unadorned with none of the colourful pictures and posters we see nowadays.
The floor was bare boards and along the walls stood the long stools we called "furrums". These were only used occasionally.
Our numbers were so few we had ample accommodation in the desks. On the walls were some pretty ancient maps, a tonic solfa chart and the attendance board.
A plain school clock of somewhat erratic habit
over the fireplace.

- Patricia Aikins, Skreen Church of Ireland School attendee, 192Os


Draw how you think the old classroom looked here:

Draw how you think the old classroom looked here: