Inside a school

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What can we discover?

What can we discover by looking inside a school building compared to a plan?

How a school is laid out inside makes it a comfortable or an uncomfortable space for children and teachers.

We have already looked at the plans for this building:


.....................................................................Detailed School Site Plan

Let's look inside St. Patrick's National School, Glencullen.  Look at the classrooms in the plan. This is what one of the classrooms looks like inside:

Modern Irish School inside Classroom 4

Do you notice the light coming in through the windows?

Modern Irish School inside Classroom 1

Is there enough space between desks do you think?
Is the room well lit by natural light?

Modern Irish School inside Classroom 3

Is there a toilet area in the classroom? Have a look at the plan above again and find how toilets are shown on it.

The school hall

Examine these pictures of the school hall:

Modern Irish School inside Hall 1

Can you see how the hall is heated?

The heaters are located on the wall high above the floor.

Why do you think the heaters are placed so high up?

Is the design of the hall suitable for indoor sports in your opinion?