
As an SME or a commercial outlet there are many actions that can be taken within your businesses to start to reduce your company’s impact on climate change. Many of these actions not only make environmental sense, but also economic sense saving your business money in the long run. Reducing your emissions and therefore your impact on climate change needs to be approached in a structured organised way, much like the approach that is needed for any other major issue in business. Doing so in this way is known as carbon management.

Carbon Management

Carbon Management is akin to most other management systems that currently exist in businesses and organisations, and will therefore sit comfortably with existing structures in business, e.g. ISO 14001. It consists of five main steps:

  • Understand Emissions;

  • Define Purpose;

  • Identify Opportunities;

  • Develop Action Programme;

  • Monitor Progress.

As with all other management tools, this is a cyclical process which continues and adapts over time taking into consideration the lessons learned.

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