Coiréal Lophelia

Coiréal Lophelia

Coiréal fuaruisce is ea lophelia a thógann sceireacha agus a chuireann áit chónaithe ar fáil le haghaidh ainmhithe eile, lena n-áirítear spúinsí, péisteanna, crosóga, cuáin mhara, crústaigh agus éisc. Tá dealramh planda ar choiréal lophelia ach is ainmhí é agus é gaolmhar le bundúin leice agus smugairlí róin. Itheann sé zóplanctón.


Lophelia Coral

Lophelia is a cold-water coral that builds reefs and provides homes for other animals, including sponges, worms, starfish, sea urchins, crustaceans and fish. Lophelia coral looks like a plant but is actually an animal, related to sea anemones and jellyfish. It feeds on zooplankton.

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