Development: Geography Strands

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Human environments

The child will be given opportunity to:

  • investigate and become familiar with some natural features in the local environment. For example names, locations relative to other features, shape and appearance, flora and fauna, features such as stream, river, hill, valley, mountain,lowland, beach, bay, headland.
  • estimate distances and establish cardinal directions during the exploration of these features

  • observe and explore ways in which these features have affected the lives of plants, animals and humans

  • investigate the influence of hill, bog or stream on transport, roads and bridges, towns and cities
  • investigate the stream, mountain, beach etc. as a habitat for plants and animals
  • become familiar with the names and locations of some major natural features in the county. For example, mountains, lowlands, bogs, rivers, lakes, bays,estuaries, headlands and islands.

Natural environments

The child will be given the opportunity to:

  • develop some familiarity with the relationship of these features with each other and with elements of the built environment such as roads, bridges, towns and cities
  • explore sources of rivers in mountains or lakes
  • explore roads, railways and bridges over rivers
  • examine towns built near bays or rivers, mines in mountains

Environmental awareness and care

The child will be enabled to examine:

  • an issue such as an incident of pollution
  • changes in flora or fauna
  • need to protect a habitat and its flora and fauna
  • need for new roads or buildings
  • the causes of the issue
  • appreciate the role and views of people involved
  • suggest and discuss possible actions orsolutions and the effect of these on peopleand environment
  • participate in the resolution of the issue if possible
  • write letters about the issue or problem
  • design posters
  • realise that there is a personal and community responsibility for taking care of and conserving environments