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Key enquiry question
How do we affect the environment?

Key focus

Investigating consumption habits

Key questions
1. What is our local environment like?
2. How do we use our environment?
3. What do we use?
4. What are things made of?
5. How much packaging do we use?
6. What happens to packaging?
7. What do we do?
8. What could we do to take better care of the environment?


• Inputs, processes and outputs
• Natural and human environments
• Environmental awareness and care skills
• Investigation / Enquiry
• Observation
• Sorting and sequencing
• Drawing places
• Expressing opinions
• Working as a group

• Sharing opinions resources
• School grounds
• Resource cards
• Products used by children: e.g.

  • Bread: from bakers, from supermarket, etc.
  • Packets of crisps: Multi-packs, large packs, etc.