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Latin name: Ribes grossularia

The gooseberry bush is deciduous. This means it loses it leaves for the winter.

It is a very strong bush and can grow in most types of weather. The only thing it doesn't like is strong wind. Like most fruit bushes, it loves the sunshine! Sunshine helps the fruit to ripen.

Have you ever been up close to a gooseberry bush? Like the blackberry bush, it is very prickly. Some types of gooseberries will take root wherever they touch the ground. They don’t grow very high - only to about one metre.

Early in the springtime, the tiny green buds of the gooseberry bush begin to open. These grow into dark green, glossy leaves. Large thorns grow on the stems. The small bullfinch bird loves to eat the buds of the gooseberry bush!

The very small flowers of the gooseberry are yellow and bell-shaped.

Later in the summer, the pale green, hairy gooseberries are ripe for picking. Have you ever tasted a raw gooseberry? They are very bitter!

How are gooseberries used?

Do you know where the name 'gooseberry' comes from?

The name ‘gooseberry’ was given to the fruit because it was used to make sauce for roast goose.

Have you ever had gooseberry fool? It’s a very easy dessert to make. Just mix some stewed gooseberries with whipped cream!

Have you ever heard of the gooseberry competitions in England? The best known competition is at Egton Bridge in Yorkshire. The gooseberries are judged by their weight, size and colour.