Exemplar lesson for Visiting a Village

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This exemplar is for a teacher led, whole class or group approach to Visiting a Village of the Ask About Ireland unit on the geography of Raheny.


That children will explore and become familiar with the natural and human features of Raheny.

That children will engage in the practical use of maps, photographs and aerial photographs.

That children will understand what is depicted on aerial photographs.

That children will match pictures to locations on an aerial photograph of Raheny.

Introduction to Lesson 1 :

Children can be told that they will be examining a mystery place and will have to discover as much information as they can about it.

Children will be shown a picture of Raheny village but its actual location will remain hidden.

Brainstorm-what is this place like?

In pairs they will speculate on where the place is and answer some prompt questions on place-

Were do you think this place is? Is it near the countryside or in a city?

What work might people do here ?

What leisure activities might people have here?

Children will now watch short DVD footage of a busy junction in Raheny village. They will then be told that it is a village called Raheny and that it is a suburb of Dublin.

Development 1. Aerial Photograph:

Show children the colour aerial photograph of Raheny seen in Section 1, using a computer screen or data projector.

Place a list of words on the blackboard or use the site unit to project the words –

Ask the children which of these things they can see on an aerial photograph.

Buildings, roads, footpaths, gardens, roofs, cars road names and street names.

Explain that a vertical aerial view is a view from directly overhead.

Get children to find areas in the aerial photograph - a main road, a large building, a ruin, an outdoor car park.

Identify certain buildings by showing children the ground view of certain buildings.

Children will speculate in pairs as to where these pictures are located on the aerial photograph.

Children will draw a sketch of an aerial view.

Conclusion: Children will complete the short quiz based on Raheny and when they have completed it orally will write the answers.

Development 2: To extend this lesson:

For further maps and information about modern day Raheny please go to section 2 of this unit:

This section asks children to write a short information guide about Raheny.

Suggested resources see media bank for unit on schools.