How to teach this lesson

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A Sample Lesson Plan

Ideas for teaching. This section gives suggested approaches to this topic and give some indication about how the children's work could be evaluated.

Quizzes are included at the end sections 1, 2 and 3.

A. Opening activities to do with place:

1. Brainstorming-examination of a picture of a place, video or DVD clip showing a place. Children speculate and list what they think they know about the place and what they would like to learn.

2. Predict a Fact activity-In pairs, or small groups, children are asked to predict a fact about a particular place. They then find out some information from pictures, texts etc. and compare this to their predictions noting similarities and differences.

B. During an Examination of Place:

1. My Six Hat Thinking Game:

  • White hat: (facts) What I know about this place.
  • Red Hat: What I feel about about this place.
  • Yellow hat: Advantages of this place.
  • Black hat: Disadvantages of this place.
  • Green Hat: New ideas about this place.
  • Blue Hat: Summary of what I have learned.

2. Make a brochure about this place which would help to sell this place as a holiday destination. Include maps and drawings.

3. Make a class book about the children's local area. Include information on physical and human geography as well as a map and pictures.