Map Detective

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Be a Map Detective

Maps give information about places. We have already looked at some aerial photographs.
Now we will examine some modern maps and see what information we can find out about the location of Raheny.

Let's look at a map of Raheny

Click on the map to get a closer look and see what you can find out about Raheny.

Do you think Raheny is near the city? Can you find the coast on the map? Do you see an island called Ireland's Eye on the map?

Look closely at the map and then fill in the sentences below.


Fill in the sentences about the Raheny Map

Fill in the sentences about the Raheny Map

Understanding maps

Coast line of Dublin.
Courtesy of the Ordnance Survey Ireland.

This map shows places along the coast nearby. It is a road map so roads are especially important on it.

All the large roads are in orange. Park areas are shaded green.

Find the red spot which indicates Raheny.

Look for roads, parks and water areas. The colours on the map will help you.

  • Name the bay that you can see.
  • Name an island that is on the map.