Curriculum Integration - Geography

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Strand: Human Environments, People living and working in the local area and People living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland.

Strand unit: people living and working in the local area and people living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland.

Settlement: homes and other buildings

Explore, investigate and come to appreciate the major features of the built environment in the locality and in a contrasting part of Ireland.

Objectives as listed in the geography curriculum

The child will be enabled to:

  • Explore, investigate and come to appreciate the major features of the built environment in the locality and in a contrasting part of Ireland.

Location and uses of buildings

  • Change, reconstruction and re-use of buildings.
  • Shape/layout of features in the area.

Natural environmental features and people

The child will be enabled to:

  • Become aware of the natural features in the locality and in a contrasting part of Ireland and their interrelationship with the lives of the people living in these places.

Major natural features, flora and fauna

  • Interrelationships of these features and the lives and work of people.
  • Changes to the natural environment and their causes.

Transport and communications

The child will be enabled to:

  • Learn about the methods of transport and transport routes in the locality and in a contrasting part of Ireland.
  • Become aware of the advantages, disadvantages and roles of these methods.