Enquiry 10: Journeys in Our Locality

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What do I do...what could I do?

Key questions
What journeys are made in our locality?
How do we get to school?

Children start an enquiry about travel in their locality. They consider how they make different journeys and how different types of travel might affect the environment.

Teachers may provide children with the following prompt words: Travel, How, Why, What, Impact, Environment, Climate Change, Future, Car, Bike, Walk, Sustainable, Transport.

Teachers should be familiar with the enquiry / investigation approaches to SESE (see Resource Cards 24-26) – specifically geography in the Primary School Curriculum.

Learning outcomes
On completing these activities all children will be able to:

  • describe journeys made in the locality by people or animals e.g. planes overhead, children being driven to school, bees flying, etc;
  • devise questions about travel in the locality;
  • decide on and collect data relating to travel in the locality; and
  • present findings relating to travel in the locality and its environmental impact.


  • Clipboards/notebooks
  • Investigation sheet: What Journeys Are Made In Our Locality (Investigation 10)

Pdf Investigation 10: What Journeys Are Made In Our Locality?
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Learning activities

1. Children observe journeys made in the locality and complete the Worksheet in Investigation 10.

2. Children write down questions relating to travel in their locality on strips of scrap paper. Children sort questions into categories.

3. Children develop ‘big’ questions about transport in their locality e.g.

  • How do people travel in the locality, including getting to school?
  • Why do people travel as they do?
  • What impact has this on the environment?

4. Children decide on data they will need to collect in order to answer their questions – this may include other activities in this resource pack.

5. Children collect the data, this may include surveys, interviews, etc.

6. Children can map/draw journeys made in the locality.