Suggested teaching approaches

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Display pictures of some modes of transport. For geography, it is important to use up-to date images of trains, buses, cars and other types of transport as well as recent examples of developments in infrastructure. The five main categories of transport such as road, sea, canal, rail and air should be represented.

Children should be encouraged to decide why certain modes of transport are more suitable for the carriage of certain things. Here the teacher might display examples of two or three types of transport for example a barge, aircraft, train, bus or bicycle. Small groups or pairs of children could be given certain “goods” or “people” on a card. These might include coal, small or large numbers of people, oil, ice, meat, cement or post. Children could then be given a second card with a particular scenario where their choice will depend on different factors which they have been give for example, they may have to go a long way with the goods, the may be told to choose according to speed, cost or comfort. Children then are then asked to choose the type of transport and place their “goods” or “people” card on it on the blackboard. They need to explain why they made this choice.

Many issues can be explored through the study of transport. This can be done through drama where the children or teacher are in the role of particular experts. Some suggestions which could be used are:

  • Debate and research: The case for or against a roundabout/traffic lights near our school

  • Examination of noise pollution caused by cars, lorries and airport traffic

  • A traffic nuisance audit of the school grounds and area near the school

  • Dangers to children caused by traffic to children on their way to school and what might be done to improve safety near the school gates

  • Research: What traffic calming measures are used in other places?

  • Debate: The case for and against building a road through a park

  • Discussion/Interviews: The impact of heavy goods vehicles on neighbourhoods

  • Testing: The impact of road vehicle fumes on hedgerows

  • Data collection and survey: What are the “peak times” of the day for traffic in the road near our school?

  • Issue: Should HGVs be banned from passing near schools?