Dealing with unwanted materials

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Rubbish in your school environment

Here is something you can do later: carry out a litter survey.

  • Find out what parts of the school grounds seem to have most litter.
  • Find out what types of rubbish will decay.
  • List some types of litter that you have noticed.

Ask your teacher can you put up a notice on the school grounds asking people not to drop litter. Make sure to make this waterproof.
See can someone from your class talk to the different classes about reducing litter.

Now carry out a survey about a week later. Has the amount of litter increased or decreased compared to the first survey?

Plastics experiment: Are all plastics the same?

Ask teacher can you do a plastics experiment in class.

Choose some plastic wrappers from food or from bags. Test them for differences.

Are they all light? Are some heavy?

Cut the plastics into small pieces. Mix the pieces into a pile on your desk. Blow softly on the pile.

Which plastics separate from the others?
What do all these plastics which blew away easily have in common?
What have you found out about plastics?
Are all plastics stretchy? Are some more easily stretched?
How could you prove this?

Where does plastic that is not recycled go?

Learning about the environment with Green-Schools:

The Green Schools programme is not just about getting awards like the Green Flag or Green Schools Award.

It is also about raising awareness about the environment through the activities that children do in the school.

It is designed to help us all to recognise the importance of environmental issues and take action in our personal and home lives.