Some Traditional Recipes

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Making Champ

Do you like to cook? Ask at home if you can try this recipe for champ which is a traditional Irish food made from potatoes?

Making champ

6 floury potatoes

4 scallions, chopped

Cup of milk

50 grams of butter

Pepper and salt

Instructions: Put the scallions and milk in a large saucepan. Heat gently. Add the peeled, mashed potatoes and the butter. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix it all up and put in a serving bowl. Add a knob of butter to the centre and serve immediately.

Best pig's head

One of the things that has changed is that in our grandparent's time nothing was wasted.

Examine this drawing from a school cookery book from the 1960s. List the parts of the pig you would not expect to see on the dinner table today.

This is an old traditional family recipe.

If you want to try it, you may have to go to a traditional butcher, where many of the old favourites can still be bought.