Sport and Recreation
Fishermen on Lough Derravaragh
Colour photograph of fishermen on Lough Derravaragh at sunset.
© Sean Magee© Sean Magee
Fishermen on Lough Derravaragh
Colour photograph of fishermen on Lough Derravaragh at sunset.
© Sean MageeSir Henry Piers states in 1682 that the lake had an abundance of trout, pike and bream. He also mentions a small fish in the shape of a herring known locally as "Goask(h)e" which could only be found during the month of May on Loughs Iron and Derravaragh.
This lake is primarily an angler's paradise but it also has much to offer the coarse fisherman. There are large stocks of coarse fish here especially roach, hybrids, bream and pike. Brown trout are also available but this lake is especially known for its pike fishing.
At the narrow Crookedwood end of the lake the shore falls away steeply thus allowing for excellent bank fishing, this is a unique feature rarely if ever found in large lakes.
A large number of boat jetties have been established along the shoreline of the lake , with access at Donore, Coolure and Clinton's Bay to facilitate the visiting angler .
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