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What are motorways?

Motorways are large roads which always have at least two lanes going in each direction.

Cars travel at very high speeds on motorways.

There are no footpaths along motorways.

Motorways can easily be recognised from signposts.
They always have a specific number with an 'M' in front. An example would be the 'M50'.

Video of the M4 Motorway


Tell me more about motorways!

The blue roads are motorways. Their names always start with the letter M. For example, the M1 motorway runs from Dublin to Belfast.

Motorways allow you to travel to places quite quickly. You can drive more quickly on a motorway and you do not have to stop as there are no intersections.

The current speed limit for Irish Motorways is 120Kmph.

Can you see two motorways on this section of a map of Dublin?

Well done! You found the M1 motorway which runs from Dublin to Belfast and also the M50.

The M50 is Dublin's orbital motorway which skirts around Dublin and has many other motorways branching off it.

Look below to see what this area looks like in Google Maps. Can you spot some other examples of motorways on this Google Map?

Discussion Time!

Why do you think the M50 runs around Dublin City and not through it?

Why do you think there are very few junctions on motorways ?

The speed limit on motorways is higher than on other roads - what do you think the reason is for this ?

Speed limits were recently changed from miles per hour to kilometres per hour - why do you think this happened?

Identify the Motorways on the Map

Click here
 to do some quick map detecting!