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Section 1:   What is Transport: Different Kinds of Transport

Towards a definition of transport:

This section begins with a question “What is transport?” To establish what children know they are asked to brainstorm their ideas about transport and to make a small mind map to record information. Here children can list some main types of transport. They will probably list types of transport as cars and buses. Children are then introduced briefly to forms of transport such as trains and cars. They will see some pictures of each. They are also introduced to walking as a means of transport. They are asked to consider why certain types/modes of transport are more suitable for moving certain things. Children use an interactive gauge to grade forms of transport.

A lesson exemplar has been developed for this section. It is the last section of these guidelines.

Section 2: Transport for Journeys Short and long journeys.

Children will examine the different ways of making long and short journeys. They are led to consider walking and cycling. They consider the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of transport. They will explore long and short journeys and plan some journeys using a map.

Public transport such as buses are considered. The effects of heavy traffic are noted such as noise pollution and air pollution. Children see maps of railways.

Thinking skills:  
Where children are asked to think of the advantages and disadvantages of walking and cycling the teacher might later point out some of the benefits to the environment.

To build children’s awareness of the importance of having adequate facilities for cyclists, it would be of benefit if the teacher could draw attention to places such as Amsterdam or Vienna where cycling is common and where there are ample cycling lanes.

Transport for longer Journeys

Children are led to consider transport that is more suitable for long journeys.    

Children are led to consider here how choices can be made about the type of transport used according to the speed people wish to travel, (how fast they want to get to a place), the degree of comfort they wish to travel in, the cheapness of the form of transport and how it has an impact on the environment (air journeys use a lot of fuel for instance)

Travel by Rail :   Trains and Trams

Children are introduced to rail transport for long and short journeys. They find out about how train tracks are shown on maps. Children find out some facts about trains.

They listen to a commuter speaking about her train journey. Children also see an example of the Luas tram. They plot a journey on one of the Luas lines.

Freight journeys : concept of freight/cargo is introduced. Children see pictures of freight being transported by rail, road, sea and air.

Activity: Dragging and dropping freight on to lorries.