Letter from a Passage Soldier ; The Munition Factory

The Waterford News - 23th of June 1916, Page 5

Letter from a Passage Soldier ; The Munition Factory
Courtesy of The Waterford News

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Private T. M. Rogers, 4069, 11th Batt. A.I.F., son of Mr. T. Rogers, Passage East , has written to Mr. M. Cahill, Passage East, from a base hospital in France. He was for some time in Australia and left there with his battalion last October. Having spent some time in Egypt he proceeded to France where he has been for a couple of months and is now ill in hospital at Bologne. He says:-"It, is good sport to see the Taubs flying over the line and the shots that are sent up. Snipe shooting is in the background compared with it. I hope Passage is not any way upset by the war. I would like to get home for a week or two as I am so near. I am enclosing a leaf of a book that I picked up behind the trenches. I always find something to remind me of home, or meet with some person."


We were informed to-day by Messrs. Graves and Co. that they have now received official confirmation to the effect that their tender for the erection of the National Cartridge Factory on a site at the old Dungarvan Railway Station has been accepted.
We understand that there are numerous applications for some of the higher positions, especially for women, in the factory. Those selected will, it is stated, be sent across to England to undergo a course of training to fit them for the positions they will occupy. Of course, naturally there will be some experienced hands sent here in the initial stages, but local labour will be availed of as largely as possible, and no doubt the factory will be the source of much benefit in the way of employment in the city. The appointments will, as we have already announced, be dealt with principally through the Labour Exchange, and it is also expected that his Worship the Mayor will be one of the parties determining the selections.


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